
From Top: Dereck Carpenter, Dougie Tatum, Dave Moss, John Hammick (Dec.), Mike Lawrence, Keith Evans, Jim Watts and Geoff White

Chairman David hob - nobbing with his mate Malcolm Lockey National President at the 2011 Dorset Knobs.

Close up view of the Boss Stick clearly showing the Silver Sleeve, the Rolls Royce Gear Knob with HVSC embossed - one letter at a time on each of its four faces and the Flying Lady (Spirit of Ecstasy).

Ex Tabler's Reunion - (From Left) Paul Trewick, Geoff White, Trevor Franks, Nick Bates, Dereck 'Robbo' Robson, Mike Dyer, David Moss, Derek Carpenter.

All on his own - Tony Jones the photographer for the above.