On the 27th January 1984, Dave Moss and Doug Tatem met in the Fareham and County Club to discuss forming a Hamble Valley 41 Club.

As Hamble Valley Round Table had created its own tradition of presenting walking sticks to members retiring under the age rule, the founding “fathers” decided to recommend the title “Stick Club” for its 41 Club.

Other potential members were contacted and the first meeting was held at Simpact House, Shedfield on the 18th May 1984.  This was attended by Derek Carpenter, Keith Evans, John Hammick, Mick Lawrence, Dave Moss, Doug Tatem, Jim Watts and Geoff White. An excellent meal was washed down with copious quantities of Niersteiner, a bottle of Roodetafel presented by Jim Watts and a bottle of vintage port from Hamble Valley Round Table who also sent a telegram of good wishes.

After a brief discussion, Doug Tatem was elected Chairman, Dave Moss Vice-Chairman, Derek Carpenter Secretary, Mick Lawrence Treasurer and Keith Evans Table Liaison Officer.

It was then decided:-

  1. To confirm the name Hamble Valley Stick Club.
  2. To adopt a walking stick as the Club’s emblem.
  3. To permit members to remain seated when speaking.
  4. To require non-members, known a Teflons (non-stick) to stand when speaking.
  5. To address the Chairman as Boss-stick.

The first meeting concluded at 12.15am with all present embracing the sentiment of the final toast – “to continued friendship”